勾智楠,男,1985年生,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,中国计算机学会CCF高级会员,清华大学访问学者。近年来,主持省部级科研课题多项,在国内外期刊发表论文20余篇。任Knowledge-Based Systems、Expert Systems with Applications、Information Science等期刊审稿人。
Zhinan Gou,Yuchen Long, Le Qin, Yuxin Chen.The Procedure of BM25 for Constructing Topic Modeling Based on Document Embeddings and HDBSCAN. Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on Network and Information Systems for Computers (ICNISC, 2024).
Zhinan Gou, Yan Li, Yuanzhen Liu, Kai Gao.Topic model for personalized end-to-end task-oriented dialogue. Expert Systems with Applications 212:118805 (2023).
Jingxian Li, Lixin Han, Xiaoshuang Li, Jun Zhu, Baohua Yuan,Zhinan Gou. An evaluation of deep neural network models for music classification using spectrograms. Multimedia Tools and Applications (2022).
Zhinan Gou, Yan Li.A Method of Query Expansion based on Topic Models and User Profile for Search in Folksonomy. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 41(1): 1701-1711 (2021).
Zhinan Gou, Yan Li, Zheng Huo.A Method for Constructing Supervised Time Topic Model Based on Variational Autoencoder. Scientific Programming 2021: 6623689:1- 6623689:11 (2021).
Jun Zhu, Lixin Han,Zhinan Gou, Xiaofeng Yuan.A robust personalized location recommendation based on ensemble learning. Expert Systems with Applications 167:114065 (2021).
Yuanzhen Liu, Lixin Han,Zhinan Gou, Yi Yang.Personalized Recommendation via Trust-Based Diffusion. IEEE Access 7: 94195-94204 (2019).
Zhinan Gou, Zheng Huo, Yuanzhen Liu, Yang Yi.A Method for Constructing Supervised Topic Model Based on Term Frequency-Inverse Topic Frequency. Symmetry 11(12):1486 (2019).
Yuanzhen Liu, Lixin Han, Yi Liang,Zhinan Gou, Yi Yang.Users’ Preference-degree Considered Diffusion for Recommendation on Bipartite Networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 527: 121323 (2019).
Baobin Duan, Lixin Han,Zhinan Gou, Yi Yang, Shuangshuang Chen.Clustering Mixed Data Based on Density Peaks and Stacked Denoising Autoencoders. Symmetry 11(2): 163 (2019).
Zhinan Gou, Lixin Han, Ling Sun, Jun Zhu, Hong Yan.Constructing Dynamic Topic Models Based on Variational Autoencoder and Factor Graph. IEEE Access 6: 53102-53111 (2018).
Yi Yang, Lixin Han,Zhinan Gou, Baobin Duan, Jun Zhu, Hong Yan.Tagrec-CMTF: Coupled Matrix and Tensor Factorization for Tag Recommendation. IEEE Access 6: 64142-64152 (2018).
Jun Zhu, Lixin Han,Zhinan Gou, Xiaofeng Yuan.A fuzzy clustering-based denoising model for evaluating uncertainty in collaborative filtering recommender systems. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 69(9): 1109-1121 (2018).
Zhinan Gou, Lixin Han, Jun Zhu, Yi Yang, Baobin Duan.Personalized Search by a Multi-type and Multi-level User Profile in Folksonomy. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. 43: 7563-7572 (2018).
Zhinan Gou, Yan Li. Integrating BERT embeddings and BiLSTM for Emotion Analysis of Dialogue. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. 2023: 6618452.
马艳珍,勾智楠,池云仙,高凯.基于结构-语义融合的评论文本情感分类研究.河北工业科技, 2024, 41(02)
李晓腾,勾智楠,高凯.联合实体边界检测的命名实体识别方法.河北科技大学学报,2023, 44(01), 22-28.
刘昊鑫,董超,勾智楠,高凯.融合混合表征的小样本关系抽取方法.计算机工程. 2023,49(08), 63-68.
李晓腾,张盼盼,勾智楠,高凯.基于多任务学习的多模态命名实体识别方法.计算机工程, 2023,49(04), 114-119.
成悦,赵康,勾智楠,高凯.基于度量学习和层级推理网络的抽取式摘要方法.河北科技大学学报,2022, 43(06), 594-601.
一种局部像素同质化的图像纹理特征提取方法(专利号: 201810392603.9,发明人:袁宝华、韩立新、勾智楠),授权公告日: 2022.4.1.
一种基于个性化模型的查询词扩展方法(专利号: ZL201811073589.2,发明人:勾智楠、韩立新、袁宝华、刘元珍、张青),授权公告日: 2020.7.24.
一种结合时序化动态建模和情感语义的个性化搜索方法(专利号: ZL201710261296.6,发明人:勾智楠、韩立新),授权公告日: 2020.6.23.
一种基于手机三轴加速度传感器的计步方法(专利号: ZL201710569013.4,发明人:彭琛、韩立新、勾智楠),授权公告日: 2020.6.16.
基于同义词和反义词的中文标签推荐修正方法(专利号: ZL201711055214.9,发明人:刘元珍、韩立新、杨忆、勾智楠),授权公告日: 2018.12.14.
融合多信息源耦合张量分解的标签推荐方法(专利号: ZL201711040886.2,发明人:杨忆、韩立新、刘元珍、勾智楠),授权公告日: 2018.7.27.