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信息来源: 发布日期:2024-04-30

张雪峰管理学博士,硕士研究生导师,毕业于北京理工大学管理科学与工程专业。主要从事平台供应链管理、大数据驱动的决策管理等领域的研究,在International Journal of Production Economics,Transportation Research Part E,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,中国管理科学,管理工程学报等国内外重要期刊发表学术论文十余篇,出版学术专著一部,主持或参与省部级以上课题多项。



Email:  xfzhang@hueb.edu.cn


[1]Xuefeng Zhang, Yutan Zhang, Guo Li. Strategic inventory in semi-conductor supply chains under industrial disruption [J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2024, 272: 109254. (SCI, ABS-3, FMS-B,中科院一区TOP)

[2] Xuefeng Zhang, Zhe Li, Guo Li. Grandfather-based or Benchmark-based: Strategy choice for carbon quota allocation methods in the carbon neutrality era [J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2024, 192: 114195. (SCI,中科院一区TOP)

[3] Xuefeng Zhang, Zhe Li, Guo Li. Impacts of blockchain-based digital transition on cold supply chains with a third-party logistics service provider[J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2023, 170: 103014. (SCI/SSCI, ABS-3, ESI热点/高被引论文, FMS-B, 中科院一区TOP)

[4] Mengqi Liu, Xuefeng Zhang, Huamin Wu. The impact of platform restriction on manufacturer quality transparency in the blockchain era[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2023, 61(11): 3582-3598. (SCI, ABS-3, FMS-B, 中科院二区TOP)

[5] Huamin Wu, Guo Li, Hong Zheng, Xuefeng Zhang. Contingent channel strategies for combating brand spillover in a co-opetitive supply chain[J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2022, 164: 102830. (SCI/SSCI, ABS-3,  FMS-B, 中科院一区TOP)

[6] Xuefeng Zhang, Guo Li, Mengqi Liu, Suresh P. Sethi. Online platform retail service investment: A bane or a boon for manufacturer encroachment[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2021, 192:108079. (SCI, ABS-3, FMS-B, 中科院一区TOP)

[7] Guo Li, Xuefeng Zhang, Mengqi Liu. E-tailer’s procurement strategies for drop-shipping: simultaneous vs. sequential approach to two manufacturers[J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2019, 130, 108-127. (SCI/SSCI, ABS-3, FMS-B, 中科院一区TOP)

[8] Guo Li, Xuefeng Zhang, Su-Mei Chiu, Mengqi Liu, Suresh P. Sethi. Online market entry and channel sharing strategy with direct selling diseconomies in the sharing economy era[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2019, 218, 135-147. (SCI, ABS-3, FMS-B, 中科院一区TOP)

[9] 张雪峰,李果.开放引入还是放任不管?平台商应对制造商渠道入侵的策略研究[J].中国管理科学,2024,32(1):251-259. (国家自然科学基金委管理科学部A类重要期刊, FMS-T1, CSSCI)

[10] 张雪峰,李果,郑鸿.市场入侵风险下供应链渠道成本信息共享策略研究[J]. 管理工程学报, 2023, 37(5): 230-237. (国家自然科学基金委管理科学部A类重要期刊, FMS-T1, CSSCI)


[1] 张雪峰.制造商入侵下平台零售商应对策略研究[M]. 北京:中国社会科学出版社2023.


[1] 河北省省级科技计划软科学研究专项:“区块链技术使能我省制造业数字化转型对策研究”(No. 22557630D),主持;

[2] 河北省高等学校人文社会科学研究青年拔尖人才项目:“数智化转型下平台供应链运作优化方法与协调策略研究”(No. BJS2024069),主持;

[3] 河北省高等学校人文社会科学研究青年项目:“数字经济时代电商平台信息共享策略及运营模式选择研究”(No.SQ2022122),主持;

[4] Bwin必赢唯一官方网站科学研究与发展计划重点项目:“数字经济下区块链使能的零售平台商业模式创新研究”(No. 2022ZD02),主持;

[5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“供应商渠道入侵下平台零售商信息共享与库存策略研究”(No.71971027),参与;

[6] 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划(大数据驱动的管理与决策研究)培育项目:“融合多源异构大数据的电信产品配置及个性化营销策略研究”(No.91746110),参与。


担任《中国管理科学》《International Journal of Production Economics》、《Transportation Research Part E》、《Electronic Commerce Research》、《Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal》、《Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity》、《Journal of Modelling in Management》国内外重要/知名期刊匿名审稿人

